Summer Camp

Summer Camp

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Theatre Lab experiences!!

One saturday evening we took a cab to theatre lab. My Friend who went to theatre lab had recommended it to me. It was the first time i had come to this class. I was amused by the creativity and talents the other children had. At that point of time I didn't know much about acting...... As everyone was doing an improvisation Kirtana told me to join.
It was fun as well as interesting working with all the other aspiring actors....
Till date i've always cherished coming to these classes and i have learnt much from it.
Becoming an actor has inspired me to be punctual to theatre lab. After joining theatre lab i have been a part of plays directed by Kirtana and us. A few of them are Pampa sutra, the rangashankara mela and cubbon park stories which was held in Sona towers.

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