Summer Camp

Summer Camp

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Shakespeare in Love

We reached Kirtana's home expecting another improvisation. Instead, she announced to the class that we would be watching a movie. I silently cheered and did a little dance , but that ended abruptly when she told us it had somethig to do with Shakespeare. No offence to him, but I never liked his plays that much , seeing that I didn't understand the language. But what I watched was nothing like what I expected..
We made ourselves comfortable in Kirtana aunties room. Some on the bed and some on chairs, and the movie started to play...
To sum it up it in one word would be task for one with such limited vocabulary. But I will tell you that it was amazing. The set was what I liked the most. The location for the movie was just breath taking. And thankfully, the language was understandable. To tell you the truth I was quite confused when the movie began. Cause all I saw was a man with a mustache that was too long tied to a seat and his legs being burnt. And a man in a black hovering over the poor soul who was being tortured, barking orders at him. It was quite amusing, if you looked at it from a certain angle. My confusion disappeared as the movie continued, and I actually followed it. It was great. I soon found myself absorbed in the movie, laughing when the actors laughed, frowning when they were sad.
There were some scenes which were not ... appropriate so Kirtana aunty and Kaveri had to stand in front of the screen during that time until it passed. Apart from those minor "glitches" the movie went on. Through it's ups and downs we laughed and cried (not really...) we were so obsessed in the movie, we ignored the poor potato chips(in the end, we did complete it, after Kirtana aunty reminded us to).
The Actors were simply brilliant and the script was simply amazing.We managed to spot three actors who acted in Harry Potter; the lady who acted as Umbridge, the man who acted as Arthur Weasley and the man who acted as Professor Snape. :)
To all those who are in a quest of finding a good movie, search no more, for Shakespeare in love is the movie you must see!