Summer Camp

Summer Camp

Saturday, December 18, 2010

On Movement

Akash: Why did you want/choose to be a Balloon-seller?

Abhay: Because the last time I went to Cubbon Park, the first thing I saw was a man selling gas balloons. And all these joyful children buying them. I liked this sight, so I became a Balloon-seller in the play.

Rhea: How did it feel being a Balloon-seller?

Abhay: I felt good making different types of balloon shapes...a long tube...a round ball...animals....a dog. But as I was rehearsing balloons every class, it got boring. I felt happy when rehearsal got over.

Akash: Why were you the last to exit stage?

Abhay: I dunno...maybe because Kirtana told me to.

Kirtana: Don't be modest Abhay, tell the truth.

Abhay: I'm not modest! I'm serious. I don't know why I left last.

Aditya: Did you find miming difficult?

Abhay: It was not really very difficult. But doing the same mime for one hour, I just got hand-pains. But I think the mime went off well with all the hard work.

Aditya: I have a question for Akash. Did you feel walking in this way gave another effect to the performance?

Akash: I did it because it was different than just walking naturally on stage. If I was just walking naturally, I'd have had a few seconds on stage. This walk - VERY slow and just pulling yourself forward with your toes - I was able to observe everyone around me and felt like a character... someone who was not me.

Shiv: This is a question for all the actors who only moved, but didn't have text. Did you all feel minor? Did you wish you could have done a monologue?

Vaishali: I did feel bad in the beginning..but later I realized that it was part of the play and to me it seemed a major part. I could have, but then at the end I was still in the play and that's what counts. Life has some ups and downs...somethings in life just happen and you cannot always get what you want.

Rhea: Personally, in the beginning I thought that no matter what part I get, every part is a major part of the play. But then I did feel like doing a monologue.

Abhay: At first I wanted to desperately do a monologue but I didn't really get one, I had to do mime. I thought maybe in the next play I could do a monologue.

Akash: I wanted to do a monologue, but not many ideas were flowing in my head and also there were already many monologues. I wanted to do something else.

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