Summer Camp

Summer Camp

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I arrived at the house with my friend for a final practice, before the showdown! We were all excited to perform the extract from the book. I was the River, so was my sister. My friend, who had come to visit from Singapore was also dragged into it, she was reading the extract, along with the others. We had a few hours before the final performance!! In these few hours we had to get a 'khadi' , 'kurta' (Kirtana aunty insisted it be khadi) and at the end of it all deliver ourselves to Kirtana aunty's house....which we did perfectly.

We reached the area a few hours early, people were still setting up. To pass our time we joined a few kids and made some dragon flies. Finally it was showtime!! I thought we did a good job and everyone was praising us!!! After the show was the book signing. I managed to buy a book and get it signed too. There was plenty of food there.....jam tarts.........chips.....chocolates....lemon tarts...and of course CAKE!! For me the best part of the day were the lemon Tarts ;)!!

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